Eric Litschky

I was born on 12 January 1963 in a small village in Alsace, near the border with Germany, into a family of farmers and workers. When I left school, for the first few years, I worked half the time as a mechanic and travelled for the rest of the time. But after pressure from my family, I took my professional degree (CAP) then returned to my travels.
Touring many of the Mediterranean countries enabled me to see and admire Greek, Roman and Arab-Muslim architecture and art. Although contemporary works didn’t interest me very much back then, today I appreciate their clean lines and finely elaborated curves.
Inspired by everything I had seen, I began making my own small pieces of artwork – some little wrought iron objects for my family: stair railings with music notes, candlesticks, lamps, and so on.
In 1987 I moved to Provence, after several years working in various areas of the building trade and in theatre set design making accessories, I went into the renovation and transformation of everyday objects: beds in wrought iron remodelled into sofas, for example.
From this it was just a small step to creating original works, made from new iron, and mixing materials (wood, stone, copper-brass, semiprecious stones, among others).
The golden number (the divine proportion) guided my work and remains my
faithful companion.

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